On-line predavanje o dramaturgiji dokumentarnog filma…

On-line predavanje o dramaturgiji dokumentarnog filma, u okviru ciklusa NA LINIJI FRONTA, biće održano sutra od 15h u Beloj Sali, Terazije 28. Gost predavač je uvaženi grčki autor Vassilis Kosmopolous. Svi zainterovani studenti su dobrodošli.
Vassilis Kosmopoulos studied Film and Television directing in Athens and Munich (HFF), Theater (BA & MSc) at the University of Athens, Documentary Filmmaking in international co-production schemes (Documentary Campus Masterschool 2006), Quality Journalism and New Technologies, QJNT (MA, graduation pending) and he is a PhD candidate (Department of Theatre Studies, University of Athens).
Awarded filmmaker, working both in fiction and documentaries while experimenting in various other forms (cinematic and multimedia installation projects), he has also worked as a researcher on Culture & Education matters, Audiovisual Heritage and Digital Archive projects.
Experienced academic educator, both in under & post-graduate level, he has taught Media Education & Audiovisual Literacy (2002-04), Documentary directing (School of Film, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2007-09), Introduction in Filmmaking (UoA, 2007-08), Audiovisual Storytelling for New Media Journalists (2013) and Filmmaking in educational context (UoA, 2009-15). Considered as an expert in audiovisual story-telling, he has expanded his professional and academic interests into the New Media and XR world.
From February 2017 till September 2019, he was selected to serve subsequently as Director of Production & Development and as General Director at the Greek Film Centre.
Currently works as a freelance filmmaker, as storytelling expert developing film and tv projects and as policy-maker regarding innovative audiovisual strategies while developing his own artistic projects.